Note: This is the
second in a three-part series of blogs focusing on 42, the new film from Warner Brothers that focuses on the life of
Jackie Robinson.
me a uniform and give me a number of my back, and I’ll give you the guts.” It was one line that changed the Great
American Pastime. In 1945, following the
end of World War II, America’s heroes returned home. Some of those heroes typically spent their
summers playing a game, a simple game of catch where occasionally someone would
hit the ball with a stick. And every one
and awhile, that hit would sail so long that crowds would rise from their seats
and cheer.
you think about it, baseball is probably one of the oddest activities humanity
has ever concocted. It is a lot like
golf or polo, where men with sticks attempt to knock a little ball into a small
cup. Only in baseball, the object is a
little more complex. Baseball games can
be long and grueling, like soccer or basketball except with less action. The goal is to score more points than the
other team, like football or hockey.
Only baseball is not a contact sport like football and there are
(usually) fewer fights. It was America’s
version of the “gentlemen’s game,” originally started by Civil War soldiers to
pass the time between skirmishes.
as American as baseball was, there was one distinct problem—it was horribly
one-sided in terms of participants. It
was a white man’s game. It had always
been a white man’s game. Yes, black men
could play. However they could not play
together. The thought of white men and
black men playing together was absurd.
That was until Branch Rickey, the legendary owner of the Brooklyn
Dodgers, went on a campaign to change the face of baseball. In 1945, Rickey put out a call to a young
Negro League player named Jackie Robinson, then a shortstop with the Kansas
City Monarchs. Rickey presented Robinson
with a challenge—could he, as a lone baseball player, bring about a change that
would not only affect the game but also a nation. However it would not be an easy change to
make. Racism was a deeply-rooted disease
in America in the 1940s. (To be honest,
it is still a deeply-rooted disease in some places and with some
populations.) He would insulted and
possibly even assaulted for forcing the “color issue” on baseball and the
American public. Robinson was known for
his temper. He often reacted in order to
solve racially-motivated problems.
However, Rickey knew better. This
scene in 42 is dripping with compelling
emotion. When Robinson asks if Rickey
wants a ballplayer who has the guts to fight back against injustice and racial
oppression, Rickey responds by saying that he wants a ballplayer who has “the
guts not to fight back.” “Give me a
uniform and give me a number on my back,” Robinson said, “and I’ll give you the
guts.” Commitment to a cause brings
about change.
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