What is
important to you? All of us have values. All of us ideas and
attributes that are important to us and that provide our lives with meaning. These values are often how we define our life
mission to ourselves and how we are defined by those around us.
How do you communicate those values to others? In his
book on digital ministry, David Bourgeois argues that “We are no longer in
the broadcast era. We are in the digital
era. . . .This powerful ability to connect people as never before should draw
us, as followers of Christ, to the Internet.
It is not about the latest gadget; it is about relationships.”[1] We are more connected to each other than ever
what message are we sending when we send that text or that tweet? When I send out a tweet, I have the
opportunity to expand my influence rather than my image. Priorities make up our “platform,” that
concept that defines who we are. Michael Hyatt argues that two of the principles of a platform are to have something to
offer people and to be willing to generously give it away to others.[2] In doing so, we will connect with more people
who can, then, spread our influence.
I noticed
recently that when I use a hash-tag with my tweets, I regularly use the same
three. When I use all three in a tweet,
then I have probably had an epiphany (or my head popped off and flew around my
office). These three hash-tags are more
than that, however; they define who I am and what I do. And if you follow me, they will tell you what
I am about:
is who I am. This is how I live. You will not care how much I know until you
know how much I care about you. This is
who I am.
#Preaching—This is
what I do. This is what I teach. This is the channel through which I trust
that God will continue to expand the borders of the Kingdom. This is what I do.
#Productivity—This is what
I am about. This is how I define
success. There is an old proverb that
asks how we can define a person unless he or she makes the world a better
place. This is what I am about.
[1]David T.
Bourgeois, Ministry in the Digital Age:
Strategies and Best Practices for a Post-Website World (Downers Grove, IL: Praxis/IVP
Books, 2013), 18-19.
[2]Michael Hyatt, Platform:
Get Noticed in a Noisy World (Nashville: Thomas Nelson, 2012), 202-203.
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