Monday, January 9, 2012

2012 Reading List

Listed below is my planned reading list for 2012. This list does not include books that I will be reading for classes, for sermon preparation, or writing projects/book reviews. Those books marked with an "*" are related to my doctoral work. Feel free to contact me if you have any questions about what I am reading or have an opinion about these or other books that you would like to share with me.

Buttrick, David, Homiletic: Moves and Structures

Fant, Clyde B., Preaching for Today

Habermas, Ronald T., Introduction to Christian Education and Formation

*Hillman, George M., Jr., Ministry Greenhouse: Cultivating Environments for Practical Learning

Jeary, Tony, Purpose-Filled Presentations: How Any Christian Can Communicate More Effectively to Anybody, Anytime, Anywhere

Killinger, John, Fundamentals of Preaching

*Long, Thomas G., and Leonora Tubbs Tisdale, ed., Teaching Preaching as a Christian Practice: A New Approach to Homiletical Pedagogy

Lowry, Eugene L., How to Preach a Parable: Designs for Narrative Sermons

*Marzano, Robert J., and John S. Kendell, ed., Designing and Assessing Educational Objectives: Applying the New Taxonomy

*Marzano, Robert J., and John S. Kendell, ed., The New Taxonomy of Educational Objectives, 2nd ed.

McLuhan, Marshall, The Gutenberg Galaxy

*Merriam, Sharan B., Case Study Research in Education: A Qualitative Approach

Miller, Calvin, Preaching: The Art of Narrative Exposition

*Myers, William R., Research in Ministry: A Primer for the Doctor of Ministry Program, 3rd ed.

*O’Brien, Judith Grunert, Barbara J. Millis, and Margaret W. Cohen, The Course Syllabus: A Learning-Centered Approach, 2nd ed.

*Palmer, Parker J., The Courage to Teach: Exploring the Inner Landscape of a Teacher’s Life

*Palmer, Parker J., To Know as We are Known: A Spirituality of Education

Peck, M. Scott, The Different Drum: Community Making and Peace

Ritschl, Dietrich, A Theology of Proclamation

Sisk, Ronald D., The Competent Pastor: Skills and Self-Knowledge for Serving Well

Tisdale, Leonora Tubbs, Preaching as Local Theology and Folk Art

Volf, Miroslav, Exclusion and Embrace: A Theological Exploration of Identity, Otherness, and Reconciliation

Wilson, Paul Scott, The Practice of Preaching, rev. ed.

*Wolterstorff, Nicholas, Educating for Shalom: Essays on Christian Higher Education

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