Note: This post originally appeared as my 25 January 2015 church bulletin article.
his wonderfully brief yet profound book I
Am a Church Member, Thom Rainer, a church-based researcher in Nashville,
surveyed nearly 600 congregations to get an idea of the shape of the American
church. His research demonstrated that
90% of these congregations were declining, a statistic that has been verified
in other studies. He deals with this
research in his book Autopsy of a
Deceased Church, which we be looking at later.
Rainer also found six common characteristics of members (not ministers) in the
10% of congregations that were healthy, vibrant, stable and/or growing. First, healthy
churches have functioning members.
It is not just a one-man show; everyone
plays a part in the work of the congregation.
Second, healthy churches have
members who seek unity. We do not
have to all like or agree with what goes on around here (that’s conformity);
yet we should strive to unify in our support of the vision because we believe
it is where God is leading us.
healthy churches have members who put the
mission of the church ahead of their own preferences. This one is touchy, I know. However, remember the words of the Paul to
the Philippians: “Do nothing from
selfish ambition or conceit, but in humility regard others as better than
yourselves” (2:3). Our whims and fancies
about what should go on should also be second to the vision that God has given
our congregation.
Fourth, healthy churches have members who pray for
their leaders. I personally
appreciate how many of you tell me that you pray for me on a regular
basis. Fifth, healthy churches have members who make church a family affair. Membership is not a Sunday-only commitment
but carries over in to every aspect of our lives. And sixth, healthy churches have members who treasure their membership. This means we put aside our sense of
entitlement and live with the understanding that salvation (and church
membership) is a gift that has been gracious given to us. May we never abuse this wonderful gift from